To participate in the simulation all that is needed is a free Secondlife Platform account.
HQ Secondlife Location links:
FAQ: https://workwithaccess.com/faq/
A Secondlife Work Simulation MMORPG with a free market economy where you can gather resources while earning L$ (Linden $) by Picking Rocks, Chopping Trees, Panning, Fishing, Fish Gutting, Smelting, Crafting, Trading, Researching, Cooking, Eating, Praying, Exercising, Swimming, Snorkeling, Deep-sea diving, Astronomy, Star Data Research, Planetary Data Research, and so much more!!
The concept of the work simulation goes much deeper then most realize at first, because at the Player Rock systems core is a Second Life land traffic/ad system. The land owners/rock owners aren’t just the purchasers of land traffic, they are part of the simulations ecosystem, gain rare resource types, and can use the Land Owner point system to access unique rare tools to sell to visitors or use themselves. They can even mine their own rocks! The skills and stats they gain increase resource production thus producing more craft-able tools to sell or trade to other participants or use themselves.
Read the FAQ!